Monday, August 6, 2007

Everybody's Bin Looking!

Dear associate,

We recently received credible intelligence that there have been seven terrorists working in our office. Six of the seven have been apprehended.

Bin Sleepin, Bin Loafin, Bin Goofin, Bin Lunchin, Bin Drinkin and Bin Butt-Kissin have all been taken into custody. At this time, no one fitting the description of the seventh cell member, Bin Workin, has been found.

We are confident that anyone who looks like he's Bin Workin will be very easy to spot.

You are obviously not a suspect at this time. So keep on doing what you Bin Doin!

Bin Administrating


prawesh said...

hahahahahahaha hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

prawesh said...

Welcome to the world of blog. keep on blogging.......