Sunday, August 3, 2008

Time for a CHANGE

Legend Alex Ross has created an amazing new piece of art. Titled “Time For A Change”, this piece depicts Barack Obama, Democratic Presidential nominee. Created exclusively for the San Diego Comic Con......check it out ...its pretty cool:) ------->

Never hide the true you!

We all have things we are passionate about and things we stand for. There are certain things we've said we would never do and things we have sworn we'd never change. Yet, somehow, when around a group of people who think differently than we do, we begin to question ourselves. We begin to teeter back and forth from what we think to what they think. The ground in which we stand on becomes somewhat shaky as peer pressure begins to rumble.

It is so easy to stand firm when there is no one around to question your stance. Sticking to your guns becomes hard when you are confronted and asked to explain why you think the way you think. It is much more comfortable to become a chameleon and change who you are to suit your surroundings. Having to endure the comments of how different you are can be rather painful, but trying to fool those around you into thinking you are more like them never works. You only end up fooling yourself.

Staying true to yourself may be uncomfortable at times, but the reward is always worth it. The guilt that comes from knowing you tried to hide who you really are can become unbearable when you are finally alone again and have time to reflect on your actions. The feelings of worthlessness that can creep in will only tear you down even more. The emotions that come from realizing that you felt they were better than you so you had to be more like them has a way of crushing your confidence into tiny grains of pity.

Leave the chameleon costume in the closet and embrace yourself for who you really are. Wear it with admiration. Yes, you are different and that is what makes you fabulous. You are unique. You are special. Above all else, you are you. Never cover that up, yet let it shine like the sun. Let others see what you have to offer and who knows, you may see a few chameleons popping up to resemble you.

Monday, March 10, 2008

How To Become INVISIBLE??

Ofcourse, no one would like to miss the oppurtunity to become invisible. Neither would I, never! Being invisible is like a whole world in your hands. You could do anything you want: free travel, free show at the cinema and many other things as well! Isn’t it so cool huh? when you are invisible, you can seek vengeance(revenge), a heroic revenge from your enemy comfortably, and anything at all man! So now, to keep the suspence growing, I shall reveal to you at the end of this post some information on how to become invisible! People will spontaneously assume me to be one of those idiocy favouring people who blindly claim that they can ignite invisibility. But I shall pity them for their idealogy, as I, a scientifically oriented homo sapien am in control of options necessary to become invisible…

Unfortunately, I can only handover my power to honest people and that is quite a big task for me take care of. Identifying honest people so as to give them my power :))..Anyways, if I am sounding insane, forgive me. Lets get back to the “invisibility” discussion.

Invisible object exist k huncha bhanne...when the incident light rays tend to reflect things BEHIND you to the viewer. That is simple. Just bend the vision rays so much so that they do not meet you, but instead meet somethings behind you. So that results in you NOT being seen. Quite exciting isn’t it? Its a common fact this one, gained popularity when a certain set of photographs was launched claiming to have indeed probed a way to possess invisibility. So you just require some cheap technology to bend the rays and do the same. Do not worry, if not them I will reach to your rescue, go on reading the post and I shall finally expose the dark secret.

Scientists have been breaking their heads together to come up with something that could well provide invisibility efficiently. The fact is, they haven’t come across this young gal who’s got a blog about various things..hehe...,easily putting out the secret of invisibility. I think I have to make some references to Harry Potter’s cloak out there, coming to his rescue in important times (J.K.Rowling’s a genius). That’s exactly what I am here to investigate upon. A Cloak…special one which is mirrorised in its exteriors and the translucent mirrors are so angled to get the light rays behind you than to get the same fromYOU. So, you know that results in nothing but…invisibility. his is not yet something which I wanted to convey to you. The ultimate secret is in the next para. It might seem obvious to you, or go to the extent of disgusting you completely! Or that might appropriately be termed as “irritation”.

At the top there is a menu option. Below that is your yahoo! id or maybe MSN id. Next to it is your status. You just have to click on it, and put it to invisible! There! You are done. You are invisible now, do what you want :P...//Silly? Indeed. The very thought of invisibility is silly, according to what I think.

Guys, just grow up. Support reality. Dreams are ofcourse tempting, and very much in favor of intense gratification. But the ultimate thing which rules is nothing but reality. So there, face reality: Invisibility is currently IMPOSSIBLE. Think about it when it is possible and then make appropriate plans and schemes. Sorry, I am’t rude, I am just telling you all to focus little on fascination and more on Science. Quite a good piece of encouragement I would like to display: So next time you think about invisibility, think about how to make it possible, and not what you would want to do after you possess it, coz you know ultimately the fact is that you cannot possess it for sure, then why think about it even?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Motivational Poster

Remember those motivational posters found all over offices and fast food joints. Well, found this website that promotes the opposite or demotivators. Its so frigging hilarious. I can think of a lot of people that can use some of these eye openers. I ve got lotsa favourite but here is one....:):)

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent, but you'd be a fool to withhold that from your superiors."

Thigs dont go as planned!!

You know how God deals with you about certain things at certain times? You know, how you can recognize that you're taking tests (and failing them) when the same annoying things keep happening over and over and over?

Well. Lately my tests have been of the Realizing Things Don't Always Go As Planned variety. Tons of times these past few months I have planned that things will go a certain way (uh, like, my way) and yet they (surprise, surprise) go a whole other way
So here's what I'm learning: Expect that things will probably not go the way I planned. Expect that I will make mistakes and will forget things--and other people will, too.

Now, I'm not saying I go around expecting bad things to happen. No way! You all know I'm too Pollyanna-ish for that. I mean, there are different kinds of faith--faith that your life will be good and faith that it will turn out bad.

I choose to believe for the good.

But what I'm also believing in--for my own sanity and so that I'll stop complaining--is that I'll be patient in times when things get tweaked/switched around/screwed-up/shaken-up. And with that expectation, I can relax. I can keep my sense of humor and just roll my eyes and smile. And recall all the times before when my plans weren't nearly as good as the ones God planned for me, instead.