Thursday, November 22, 2007

Eduacated n Intillegent -->juss be urself :)

There is such a huge difference between being educated and being intelligent.
Being educated is a great thing ....but it is different than being truly intelligent.
Being educated means that you have been taught and learned things from books.
And teachers with great minds.

However the way I see it is.
Just because you can quote Edgar Allen Poe does not make you this great writer .
Now it makes you someone who know the works of a great writer.
Just because you know all about Albert Einstein does not make you the genius that he was.

As I said being educated is a great thing.
However to me it is not quite as great as being truly intelligent .
See with true intelligence you do not have to quote all those great minds.
Because if your truly intelligent you will have you own opinion.

The reason I bring this up is.
I see a lot of people who try to degrade others who may not be as educated as them.
So they will quote some stuff they learned out of books and try to make others feel dumb.
When I see that happen I kind of laugh because here is this person simply memorizing what someone else has said ....and they believe they are more intelligent because of that .
And if you ask me you are not more intelligent you just have a good memory.

Now knowing these things are awesome.
However if you are using these things that you know just so you can make others feel inadequate.
Then you are showing how dumb you really are...i bet..U R

And another thing most truly intelligent people does not have to show off their intelligence.
They don't have to prove to others how smart they are ..because they know it.
So you can quote all the great minds of the past you want .
However being a great mind of today is what is most important ...Like meh!!hehe

1 comment:

prawesh said...

its very hard to differentiate these things u talking abt both are relative to each other....its not necessary that education is just copying others....its the way to new path of ones life giving idea and courage to give their own opinion...but i agree that if someone just copies other he's a good memory...see i am writing these things on my own......not copied from anywhere